Friday, May 27


I have returned my fellow co-patriots!
I'm so giddy with being back and all the writing I've been fiddling with that I'm about to burst with joy. Firstly, a big thanks to all you lovely people who didn't abandon me. :)
Secondly, a promise to be much more steadfast in my posting. I've learned so much from the writing books I've been perusing that I want to share it with the world! (The Art of War for Writers and Save the Cat to name just a few.) But I've also learned some stuff on my own--the hard way.
I know I haven't posted since...what, February? Yikes.
I've been attempting to balance my writing with a few realities (Like staying up to 1 in the morning plodding through an essay you don't care about or getting back in touch with family you haven't seen in years.)

But that's all over and done with, for now. I'm marvelously impressed with some of you guys's blogs and how regularly you post. I'll follow your shining example.

See you soon! (figuratively speaking)


  1. or literally, as the case may be;)Cant WAIT for next week (literally the next week, as in staring 7 days from today)

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