Character Ideas: Men Part 1

Friday, January 29

20 pictures of random men, whether to help you create a character, or put a face on one you already have.
For some reason, pictures of men are so much harder to find...


Monday, January 25

If you're trying to untangle a plot or get your ideas in order, I have a suggestion; talk.

Get a voice recorder and spout whatever random musings pop into your head.
At first, it's a little weird talking to a machine. But after a while you really get into it and ask questions and voice ideas that you never considered before.

I personally tried it a couple days ago, and it honestly helps to clarify what direction my story is heading and where I need to improve the frail plot strands.

Character Ideas: Women Part 2

Friday, January 22

30 more pictures, whether to help you come up with a character or put a face on one you already have.


Images from

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